
I went here while walking around Casablanca. I got there a little late in the day and couldn’t figure out how to get in, so I was only able to see the outside. However, I think it is possible to enter if you’re there at the right time.


The Cathedral was built in the 1930s, but hasn’t functioned as a religious space since 1956. Today it’s a cultural center.
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Know Before You Go

Hours: Unsure
Admission: Unsure
Address + Coordinates: 33.5917486, -7.6242794
How Long To Spend There: as long as it takes to walk past
Know Before You Go: I couldn’t figure out how to enter the church, and I’m not totally sure if you can, but it’s a nice sight.

Sacre Coeur Cathedral in Casablanca, Morocco

Sacre Coeur Cathedral