
Fun Fact: There are two places called Madrasa Bou Inania. This one is in Meknes, and the other is in Fes. A madrasa is an Islamic school that taught both secular subjects like math and science, as well as religious subjects.


The Madrasa was built in 1341 by Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Othman, the father of the Marinid ruler Abu Inan Faris’, after whom the building was later named.
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Know Before You Go

Hours: 9am–noon & 3–6pm
Admission: 10MAD
Address + Coordinates: 33.8950606, -5.5658653
How Long To Spend There: 45min

Central courtyard of Madrasa Bou Inania in Meknes Morocco

01 | Central courtyard of Madrasa Bou Inania

Stucco detail on a doorway of Madrasa Bou Inania in Meknes Morocco

02 | Stucco detail on a doorway

Arabic calligraphy panel on a wall of Madrasa Bou Inania in Meknes Morocco

03 | Arabic calligraphy panel on a wall

Arabesque designs on a wall of Madrasa Bou Inania in Meknes Morocco

04 | Arabesque designs on a wall

Arabesque designs on a wall of Madrasa Bou Inania in Meknes Morocco

05 | Arabesque designs on a wall

The hammam of Madrasa Bou Inania in Meknes Morocco

06 | The hammam

The view out of a window overlooking Meknes at the  Madrasa Bou Inania in Meknes Morocco

07 | The view out of a window overlooking Meknes